Madrid, Spain
We have been here for close to a week and have seen nothing but the two streets near us, the Ghana Embassy, the internet cafe and the grocery store. We have only ventured out to eat and to do what business we have had to. To say we were exhausted is putting it mildly. I don’t know that as a family I have ever seen us stay still for this long. We have done school work, read, watched movies, played games, taken baths, and slept. Then we slept some more.
We were all thrilled to see the bath tub when we arrived and it has been well used since we have been here. Our next big thrill was the washing machine…we smell a little nicer this week too. We also found popcorn at the grocery store and I think we have eaten about 15 bags. We keep seeing ads for American pizza, but have yet to find any….maybe tomorrow.
Sharing the bad with you tooThe last 48 hours have been a spiritual battle for me. I have felt a heavy oppression and have been too weak to fight it. On Saturday, I emailed my precious prayer partners to ask for prayer. Within hours of sending the email I could feel their prayers.
It is a powerful thing to know someone is standing before the Lord for you. This past year I have learned the importance of leaning on those in the family of faith when I am struggling. God intends for us to lean on one another. It is not always easy for me to share with others when I am in need, but I have learned that is what God wants and He will work through the prayers of others when I cannot fight the battle myself. I have also learned that
bringing to light (telling someone) any darkness I am struggling with is like taking the ammunition out of Satan’s hand. There is a shift in the spiritual realm whenever I do this. Try it the next time you are struggling with something.
“Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” I Corinthians 12: 14 & 27
The last two nights I have had the same dream and
God has been dealing with me on some very deep issues. He has convicted me about some serious mistakes I have made and how I had allowed myself to be deceived, actually I should say how I deceived myself. If you are not familiar with the story of Balaam and Balak (Numbers 22), I encourage you to read it. It is a very unique and different scripture that deals with being disobedient to God’s word. I heard John Bevere preach on this several years ago. After hearing that sermon, I literally had a crisis of belief about the Lord, spent many weeks struggling with Him and came to a new and deeper relationship with the Lord as a result of that. This week I have been reading a book that discussed this same story. Again,
God has taught me on a deep level about myself through this scripture.
I have also struggled with many negative thoughts. I have doubted everything in my life, my ability to raise my boys, complete this mission trip, hear God’s voice, manage my business, or be a decent friend. I have even questioned my salvation and Satan has been working overtime to bring me down. It seemed that every negative word ever spoken in my presence was going through my head. Intellectually I could see the craziness that I would even think these thoughts, yet spiritually I could not fight them. It has been years since I’ve had a struggle as difficult as these last two days.
Somewhere deep, deep inside I knew that Satan would only be working this hard to bring me down because he was afraid of the work we are doing.
It is that little spark deep within my soul that kept me from losing all hope.
After much weeping, repenting and general prayer the oppression lifted this afternoon. It is not something I can even explain other than at one point I didn’t think I could go on and the next minute I knew we would be fine. It is the difference of being oppressed and God setting the captive free.
I thank God for His goodness and faithfulness to provide me with sisters in Christ who stand beside me in prayer even from another continent and who fight a spiritual battle for me so He can set me free.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Thank you dear prayer partners! And thank you all who lift us in prayer.