Friday, June 6, 2008

Our Spanish Classes

Escuela Delengua
Granada, Spain

We have just completed our first week of Spanish lessons. Almudena is my teacher and Juan teaches the boys. In my class, I have Misuki from Japan, Jules from England and Ottr from Norway. The class is totally in Spanish. It has been such a treat to spend time learning with these folks. They are fun, interesting and our discussions have been lively. The more Spanish I learn, the more I realize how little I know. I can’t help but laugh at how my head and tongue don’t seem to want to work together in spitting out the words and at the end of class each day I am exhausted in a mental and tongue twisted way.

The boys have been witnessing to Juan. I am amazed at their boldness to speak to him. This morning Hatcher dug through the few witnessing items we have left to find a specific tract to give to Juan. He had already given him one the day before but wanted a different one today. This afternoon they told me that Juan had asked, “How can Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit be One?” Hatcher answered, “They are like a pretzel twisted together, three in one” I silently thanked God for giving him the wisdom to answer.

It is interesting to me how often the discussions in my class go in such a direction that I can speak of God. From day one, I explained we are on a mission trip to witness about Jesus. Every night I pray for each member of my class. Occasionally I feel called to pray in depth for one of them. God has given me a sense of what specifically to lift in prayer for them individually.

During one exercise we were to list what was important in our lives. I listed God first. I was questioned that I would list God before my children. I assured them He is first in my life, before anything. What I regret is my lack of knowledge of Spanish that I couldn’t explain how if I did not have God, I could not be the parent that I am. Without God and His grace, I know that our family would be in a totally different place. A dark place wrought with problems, pain and struggles, a place I shudder to think about.

I know I am able to love because of the love God shows to me. Without His love, it seems it would be hard to love others to the depth that I can.

I don’t mean to imply that our family does not have problems because we have God. Yet because we have God, He is who we lean on during any problems and by His wisdom and grace we get through what problems come our way. When God is first, we have His light and in His light, all issues fade.


Apartementos Gloria, Calle Gloria
Granada, Spain
By: Gloria Gault Geary
It was the third time we had run into her within 3 days
and the fifth time we had seen her in as many. We originally met her when we went to get an appointment to get the boy’s hair cut. The next day she had cut both Reid and Harrison’s hair.
Reid was the first to speak, “Mom, I think we are supposed to pray for her.” Harrison piped in, “I just thought that too when I saw her.” Two of my children had just voiced what I felt the Lord had spoken to me the night before after our second encounter with her.

I suddenly felt a huge burden not to let this opportunity slip by. We were sitting on a bench finishing ice cream and I almost got up and stood in her way so she could not get past us. She and two friends were in a shop buying pastries.

As God would have it, they walked to the bench next to ours to sit and eat. As soon as they were settled, I walked over to her. She speaks no English and my Spanish is poor at best. I tried to explain that the boys and I had felt called to pray for her. “En Iglesia (church)?” was her question. I could sense her uneasiness. I explained that we wanted to pray right where we were and at that moment. I assured her it would only take a moment or two. She still wasn’t sure.

I asked what she would like for us to ask of God for her. She thought for a moment and her only answer was for her work. In my heart I knew there was more but that she was not comfortable voicing it. I told her we would ask God to bless her work and whatever else came into our heads while we were praying. The boys gathered around. We knelt on the sidewalk in front of the bench and we prayed.

The boys prayed for her work, her health and for God to pour out a double portion on her. As I prayed I felt a strong sense of God pulling her toward Him and prayed for that. When we ended the prayer, she smiled and thanked us.

One of the many things (and there are many!) I love about being a servant for God is how He works. I know that Marana had absolutely no understanding of what we prayed, yet I also know that God, in His mighty and supernatural way will change something in her heart or life. I rejoice that He would choose my boys and me to be a part of His plan for her.

Later Harrison told me the friends with her had stared at us somewhat amazed as we prayed. My radar for the friends was not even active. I was so focused on making sure we answered this call of God. Somehow my guess is God’s radar was on full blast for them as well. May God bless them all.

Please pray for Marana, that God’s will be done in her life. Please pray for her friends, that God would open their hearts to Him. Pray that all would come to know God in a more intimate way.