Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Answered prayers in sweet unexpectaed ways

Aflao, Ghana
Tuesday June 24, 2008
By Gloria Gault Geary
Photo by Reid Geary

I stood in front of them praying for God to stop the rain so we could give them a chance to accept Jesus. In answer to my prayer, the rain did not stop, but the sweet sound of teenagers singing praises to God began. Spontaneously these teenagers started singing!

I didn’t recognize the song but the few words I caught were ones of lifting praises to Him. It touched my heart. After several verses, the song ended and they looked at me. I braved the first few bars of “You are the most high God” and one girl in the front nodded and turned to the group. Immediately the whole group belted out this joyous song.

I raised my hands to praise the Lord as we sang.

It was a beautiful time and the sounds of their voices were overpowering the sound of rain. When they finished singing the rain had tapered off enough for us to speak. Several children raised their hands that they wanted to accept Christ and we all prayed together.

God always answers prayers; sometimes He just answers them in a more beautiful way than we could have thought to ask.

Can you think of a time that God answered your prayer in a different and yet better way than you had asked?

Thank Him for that gift.

Thank you God for answering prayers!

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14-15

A short trip to Adina Beach

Victory Baptist Church
Adina, Ghana
By: Gloria Gault Geary

We took a short trip to a neighboring town called Adina. Pastor Christian has been a part of our ministry team and we visited his church in Adina. Pastor Christian actually oversees 12 churches, is the Pastor of two churches and ministers in the country of Togo each Monday.

He also works a job to support his family. He has a gentle and kind spirit about him and it is obvious he has a heart to serve the Lord by serving others.

Earlier in our visit I had shared with the team that we had been at IHOP (http://www.ihop.org/) and what their prayer room was like. Pastor Christian had shared that he wanted to open a prayer room at their church in Adina. Other churches in the area come to where the church is to pray. The church is on the beach. When Pastor Christian asked why they came there to pray, he was told they felt the presence of God there more. Since then Pastor Christian has wanted to create a place where all can come and pray.

As we visited several local people gathered and we prayed for the community, the church and the local fishermen.

We all dipped our toes in the Gulf of Guinea while we were there.

It Rained...

Just at the end of our second presentation, the rain started again.

The timing was great in that they had heard the Gospel presented and they had listened well.
This was another group of teenagers.

Hatcher spoke and the kids were very much interested in what he said.

We all ran into a room seconds before the onslaught started. The rain was so heavy on the tin roof that it was impossible for the kids to hear us.

The Eavesdropper

Aflao, Ghana

We visited two schools today.
Our first was a pre-school full of precious children. The boys and I have sung the song, “You are the most high God” almost constantly since we first heard it here. So when we arrived at the school we sang the song and the children sang along.

I spoke to the children and shared about God. While I was speaking I noticed a woman peaking through the fence, listening. It touched me that she wanted to hear and see what was happening at this pre-school.

Hatcher began sharing the Gospel and I realized this woman was still listening. I began praying for her. I knew that this message was for her and God had scheduled this visit just for her. She mostly tried to stay hidden but every now and then she would get very close to the fence. She stayed and listened for the entire time we were there. When we left, I looked for her but she was no place to be found.

Please pray for this dear woman who wanted to hear the message of God bad enough to eavesdrop through a fence in a school yard.

Joyfully serving our Lord,

Gloria, Hatcher, Reid and Harrison