Harsha Hotel Room 205
By:Gloria Gault Geary
We arrived India after 11:00pm on Friday and got checked in and settled into our hotel after 1:00 am Saturday. Our travel time from Ghana was almost two full days, we drove four hours to Accra from Aflao, then flew to Lagos, Nigeria to pick up more passengers. From Lagos we flew to Frankfurt, Germany and had a 5 hour layover there. Finally we caught our last flight to Hyderabad, India. Both Hatcher and Harrison had fevers while we traveled and God bless them, they never once complained.
Jets, my seatmate who was a delight to fill me in about India history.
Jets was raised Christian in India and is currently studying in the UK. He was coming home for the first time in two years.
Hyderabad is the fifth largest city in India. It is considered one of the friendliest cities and a great place to visit in India.
The boys and I already like India. The people are kind and gentle. We again are a bit of a rarity here and continue to get stares everywhere we go. Harrison also has many people reach out to touch him here as in Ghana. Often men will stop the boys to shake hands with them and speak to them. It really is sweet how kind they are to my children and I can tell they are genuinely interested to see American children here.
Hatcher’s seatmates who also are currently living in UK.
We have spent the last two days sleeping, eating, and learning a few customs. One of the most interesting customs to me is the fact that when someone nods yes here, they nod the top of their head from left to right (versus we nod with our chins up and down). When I first noticed this, I thought they were stretching their necks. Then when I realized several people did this while I was talking to them I had to ask the meaning. It is a bit humorous at first (as I am sure my nodding my chin up and down must be to them), but I am trying to teach myself to nod differently while we are here.
We shopped for some India style clothes for me
Our hosts here are Pastor JaiPaul, his brother Isaac and several others involved in their ministry, India Pentecostal Community Church (IPCC). This ministry was started by their father almost 40 years ago and this family has been a major influence of Christianity in India. Currently India is approximately 70% Hindu, 26% Muslim and 4% Christian. In the past several years Christians have been given a tough time by the government, but that has subsided recently.
Two of the Praise and Worship team members at Pearl City Church.These ladies worked at Google here in Hyderabad.
We have four young girls who are from New York and we will all be ministering together. Tomorrow we head to the Village.
Our Sunday feast after church at Pearl City ChurchWhat a treat to worship with believers in India!
See the AutoRickshaw at left…on the streets of Hyderabad.