“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” Matthew 6:25
The boys discover 'Hote'.
This is our first venture into a foreign country that does not speak English. I expected it to be a little tougher getting around and it has been. The boys have rolled with the punches pretty well. We’ve all gotten pretty good at saying Thank you in Czech. Harrison even ate schnitzel today and liked it.
Yesterday was a major holiday and we had a lot of difficulty getting a place to stay. But God was faithful to provide. We found out today that the entire city was sold out of hotel rooms and many were not able to find a vacancy. Considering the cold and rain, I am praising God for His provision for us.
Prague is a beautiful city. The country is mostly atheist. I have been amazed at the number of people I have seen wearing crosses today. We have handed out bracelets (both salvation and our website ones) to everyone we can. I have been verbally beating myself up that we did not bring tracts in the Czech language.

As we walked around, we found a bookstore and purchased every Children’s Bible they had and 5 adult Bibles, all in Czech. We walked out of the shop and stood in the sidewalk trying to give them away. It wasn’t easy. Many turned us away. Those who stopped were skeptical, but interested. As best we could we explained about Jesus using our bracelets. Although I know their lack of English (and our total ignorance to Czech) was a hindrance, I would just pray that God would give them understanding. I trust He did.
We were led to give out Jesus films and soccer balls to several people randomly and were even able to pray over a few. I am finding this an exciting adventure….who will God call us to today? Each day it seems different and I am learning to be open to His leading….His mercies are new every day.