Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please search your heart ~ your help is needed!

Volta Region Ghana Mission desperately needs our help

I am impressed with the stewardship of this ministry. Their churches do not sit empty. They double as schools during the week and also house orphans. This is not a ministry who spends their money on needless items. Their one car is a van without air conditioning. The van runs such that we always knew when it arrived…we could hear it. The senior leader, Rev. Wisdom and his family live with the orphans and keep an eye on them. There are other workers who live there too. One pastor was given a motorcycle and I’ve seen him drive around others to ministry work.

Our ministry team was made up of individuals who took time off from work to be with us. The pastors all work to support themselves and then also minister. While this sounds admirable, I am sure it puts much stress on their families and on the pastor who in essence is working two full time jobs. One team member, Sister Florence is raising two orphans and pays for all their needs. She worked with us for two full weeks forgoing the money she would earn at her shop during that time.

These are leaders who have a heart to serve and are willing to sacrifice much to do the work of God. This is a community whose entire financial income go to feed their families and take care of basic necessities. They are often not in a position for the “wants” of life, they are still working on the “needs”. Hot showers (and often just showers), soft beds, pillows, housing, food beyond what is needed to live…these are luxuries in this culture.

Please prayerfully consider if God might be calling you to financially help support their work.

God blessed the early church mightily and part of the reason He blessed them was that they gave to those in need. As Americans, we have an abundance of financial wealth. Giving a little from our abundance will greatly bless these people.

“…and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.” Acts 4:35

Ways you can help
· Free to you but of immeasurable value to the teacher and kids – good used Sunday school of Bible stories, lesson plans (most read and understand English), Christian videos and DVD’s for children (Bible man, Angelwars, etc), used toys in good condition – mail them to:
Ghana Ministry
207 S. Limestone St.
Gaffney, SC 29340

· $10 or more donation to purchase a projector…this will be used for churches, schools, children’s ministry and to show the Jesus Film in public locations… total cost is $1850.00

· $50 per month to provide for visits to the school to witness to children… this would pay for gas and help the missionary….schools would be visited every quarter.

· $100 per month to sponsor a pastor…this money would give them more time to minister instead of working another job to support their family (and more time with their family)

· Several churches are attempting to purchase the land they are currently using…typical land costs for a church are $2500 -3500. Land prices are going up every year.

· The WMU have a dream to build a retreat location for church groups and schools to use. The land cost would be about $4000.00. Once the retreat is built, they believe it will provide funds to help their mission.

· For the orphans: They currently have 40 orphans who live next to the main church. They need a dining hall for the children to eat. The children currently eat under a canvas covering outside. $12,000 can build the dining hall which would be used for Sunday school classes on Sunday and for school classes during the week.
How to donate?
Easy ~ Just click the PayPal button below for a safe and secure site!

The safer, easier way to donate online!
It only takes a minute to setup your account.
Please note: You may be asked for an email for the recipient.
Copy below so you can paste into PayPal:
You may also ship items and donations directly to:
Pastor Wisdom Shelter Ameku
First Baptist Church
Good Shepherd Happy Children's Home
P.O. Box AF 162
Aflao, Volta Region
Ghana, West Africa

The Girl in the Black Hood

Hotel Makavo
Aflao, Ghana
Gloria Gault Geary

I noticed the black covering first and my insides quivered. When she walked closer I wanted to reach out to her and hug her. She looked at me fearfully and I smiled and nodded to her. In hindsight I wish I had tried to speak to her and had witnessed to her. Each day since I have looked for her on the street, yet haven’t seen her again.

Photo: Fetish Priest with a young girl who has become a Trokosi ("wife of the Gods") . She will live her life as a labor and sex slave to the Fetish Priest.

She was no taller than Reid and probably not much older. She is a slave to the fetish priest of a local cult. Wearing the black signifies her slavery. Her parents gave her to the priest in return for spiritual protection of the family. The child will never go home again. She will not go to school. She is property of the priest and is used by him in any way he desires. Any children she bears become slaves too.

I spent the majority of the night last night praying for this child and all those like her in this country. This practice was officially outlawed in 1984, but unfortunately still continues today.
Yesterday we drove past an older woman who wore a large black material belt around her waist. She is also a slave, one who has grown up in the cult shrine.

Because the voo doo and cult activities have been a part of this culture for so long, even those who have professed Christ will occasionally turn back to the old ways. These are the types of spiritual warfare the Christians here deal with everyday.

Please pray against this evil that enslaves innocent young children and pray that more will come to know the goodness of Christ and will seek the one true God for their protection.

I have a new understanding about why “You are the most high God” is such a popular song here.
You are the most high God, Jehovah

You are the most high God, Jehovah

All other gods
These are the words of man
You are the most high God
There is none like You.

You are the most high God, Jehovah

You may read more about this tragic sin of Human Trafficking at: