We left the metro after returning from picking up our visas. We had to walk several blocks back to the hotel. Hatcher led the way, with Reid and Harrison following. I was last. There was a short cut through a gas station and we took it. A car mechanic was working on something on the grounds of the station. He watched Hatcher walk by, then Reid and when Harrison got to him he started talking.
This is how it always happens. They say something thinking we speak their language and it sounds like this. “Sl%sk sldks*i dke@u kk s#k*srri ask oa ske rrr@hsi dkap!ao. Thahtiacck kskkI arrh otiw.” I am always stumped about how to respond, because I realize it is unlikely they speak our language. But I try to be polite by giving some response. Then they think I didn’t hear them so they say it louder and longer. “IRKA FO AKD AREIE OA FFIS EMEKQIPA. FMAOEQEI AMD KRKW, WOR YAJ ME. Skid theial slsekaoe. Twaowk naks ay eiaqq; oieap tn ksl .sneedi thasn akeapifwl wkwtk a ktao bkame aowk thankq."
He kept pointing to Harrison and Harrison reached in his pocket to hand him what was in it. It was obvious he was talking about something Harrison had. Then I realized, he was asking for one of our bracelets. I almost laughed. We have been pushing people to take our bracelets and here God had brought someone to ask us for one. Harrison and I both offered our arms for him to choose which one he wanted. He took six of them.
We gave him a Spanish tract. He was very excited. I had difficulty communicating with him, but we tried.
Pray for our delightful friend, that God will fulfill his every want and need at least 6 fold.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7