Sunday, August 10, 2008

Im Jai House with Darenee

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Chiang Mai, Thailand

About five years ago I was called by the Lord to my first mission trip. Hatcher and I came to Thailand to visit Im Jai House. This is a Christian orphanage for approximately 50 children. At the time Hatcher was 7 years old and he so enjoyed playing with the children. Then about two years later, I returned to Im Jai for my third mission trip. Needless to say these children and house parents have a special place in our hearts.
Over the years I have prayed often for them. Sometimes the Lord has called me to prayer for them and sometimes I have prayed because I was prompted by news or emails. I have always felt called to keep them in my prayers.

It was such a treat to see these children again! They have grown and matured. We arrived about 5:00 pm which is right in the middle of their play time. The boys brought some soccer balls and were soon playing with some of the boys there.

Shirley and I headed to the house where Darenee was house mother. Darenee and I have communicated some over the years. She and I have in common being single moms, so I was looking forward to seeing her again.

Darenee (far left), Sherry and us on the front porch.

We took a tour of the home (they have moved since I was last here) and just sat around and caught up a bit. As we sat on the porch with most of the girls in the house, it occurred to me that this might be a good time to hand out bracelets and share our mission story.

Sherry, the oldest in the orphanage translated for me and the girls listened intently. At the end I quizzed them to insure they had learned all the colors. They had. I then asked if any would like to pray and ask Jesus into their hearts. To my surprise and great delight three girls said yes!

What a gift from God to be able to be a part of their public profession.

As we prayed with them, I thought of all those teams from First Baptist (and many other churches) who had come and planted seeds into the hearts of these children. I thought about the many house parents, board members, foundation leaders who had played a part of showing the love of Christ to these children.

I was truly humbled that God would let us be a part of the harvest.

Shirley (second from left) and the girls hearing the meaning of the colors of the salvation bracelet.

Please pray for these precious young women and all the children at Im Jai.

Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Gathering Church Service

Small World!
We worshiped at church today with Dave and Shirley. The Gathering Church is made up of missionaries from all over the world who live and work in Chiang Mai. Can you imagine being the pastor of missionaries?
David and Shirley teach a Sunday School class before the worship service. We arrived early and before the class started, I went to check on the boys in the room next door. When I returned a new couple had arrived. I looked at the woman and immediately felt I knew her. Mary….yes, Mary. She looked at me and said, “You look very familiar to me.” I said the same to her. “Gloria?” she asked. Mary Douglas used to live in Gaffney, SC. She, her husband Dan and their family were members of First Baptist Church where we are members (the Callahans are members of FBC too). When my husband Bill died, Mary (who had also been widowed several years before) was such a source of encouragement to me. I could not believe I was running into her half way around the world!

Stephen, Dan, Mary, Hatcher and me.

The Douglas family joined the Callahans and us for lunch. What a small world to have three families from First Baptist Church of Gaffney, SC eat Sunday lunch in Chiang Mai, Thailand!
Dan, Mary and Stephen have just moved to Chiang Mai as missionaries.
Another sweet note for First Baptist Church in Gaffney…..

Dan and Mary Douglas were interviewed during the church service to introduce them to the congregation. When asked how they got to Chiang Mai all the way from South Carolina, they responded that during their time at FBC in Gaffney they had been introduced to missions and visited Thailand. They have since visited a couple other times and have just moved to Chiang Mai to teach for a minimum of one year. FBC has spawned two sets of missionaries to Thailand (and a third temporary family of four). May God bless the Mission Task Force and all those who work so hard to encourage our mission work! Never, never underestimate how God will use your efforts for His Kingdom!
In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23

It gets smaller!

As we sat in the church service, Harrison pointed to a young man across the way and said, “Mom, he was at Gateway Camp.” I didn’t recognize the young man, but he was wearing the Gateway key we were all given at the end of camp. He happened to have the key hanging down his back or we would not have seen the key. At the end of the service, we spoke to him and he was at the camp. So here we are in Chiang Mai, Thailand and we ran into 4 people we’ve known from other parts of the world.

Shawn from Korea who was at Gateway Camp with us in Hong Kong.
We recognized the Key given to all camp participants.

Please pray for Shawn.