Ignite Ministries
We arrived early to get the coffee shop ready for the college students from University of Virginia, Wise. The boys and I had “prayer drove” the campus earlier in the day. The campus is tucked away in the mountains and I was impressed with the atmosphere that surrounded it. Two couples and other volunteers go each week to open this Friday night coffee shop. Everything is free and the students pile in. It was standing room only.
Pray for:
Betty, who owns the coffee shop and donates the location and many supplies for this ministry
Student leaders
That God would provide more workers
A spirit of prayer to fall upon the students at the coffee shop and on the UVA-Wise Campus
Praise for the continued financial provision by Zion Church and families who bake goods for the coffee shop

2 – 12 inch speakers
Small sound system (portable) to use in the coffee house and other locations
When I first communicated with Roger and Michele Wright, I immediately felt a call to visit. I didn’t know where in the world Wise, Virginia was but knew we would be here. It is in the southwestern part of Virginia very close to West Virginia and Tennessee. It is a small town tucked in the mountains and has a feel of home to me.
Roger and Michele have two boys, Brendon(10) and Noah(8). They met at Virginia Tech., married, spent a year in Germany on mission and were called home to Wise to work in the family business.
Although the Wrights only knew us as a referral from Terry and Tara Black, they welcomed us with open arms and we all felt like they were family before we left.
The family is very involved in several ministries in Wise and has a heart and a hunger to serve God. Please pray for God to continue to use and grow them.
We were blessed to work alongside them and learn.