"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:38
Reid’s fever returned stronger last night. He has been very sick. We attempted to go see the Pyramids, and just barely did. Reid was so ill he was fighting the need to vomit the whole trip there and back. We didn’t even try for a camel ride. Bless Hatcher and Harrison, they did not complain once…just did what they could to help their sick brother.
We have stayed in the Hostel mostly due to the fact that Reid has been sick. I had hoped to go buy some Bibles and give them out, but we haven’t.
Last night Reid seemed better and we went to a dinner cruise on the Nile. They had an Egyptian dancer called Sofi Dancing. The man twirls around non-stop….I thought I would fall over just watching him. It was fun and very entertaining.
Our cab driver was Awan. I love witnessing to taxi drivers, you have a captive audience and they can’t leave. : )
He listened politely as I shared the Gospel and kindly said he doesn’t believe in Jesus. I asked if we could pray for him and he said yes. (I am learning that Muslims are very open to Chris

As our wonderful God has done many times before on this trip, He put in my heart what to say. I asked if we could pray for he and his wife to be blessed with children. When I suggested this, he looked at me incredulously and said ok. I could tell we had hit a nerve.
So the boys and I prayed….he listened intently and I know God touched his heart.
One other incredible point God is teaching me on this trip. The hearts of many are touched when a child prays. Often when I ask someone if we can pray, they say ok but when they realize the children are going to pray it seems to take on a new meaning for them. They tune in more, they often weep and I can sense a difference in their spirits. It is like they are opening their hearts more because the children are praying.
If you are a parent of young children, encourage them to lay hands on others and pray and watch how God will deepen their faith….and the faith of others. Remember, children model the behavior they see. So be bold to pray for others yourself, it is an incredible blessing that you don’t want to miss. When I first started praying regularly for people, I was amazed at how thrilled people were when I offered to pray. You too will be surprised how hungry people are for your prayers.
Please pray for our cab driver…Awan and his wife. Stand in agreement with us that God will bless them with children, that He will draw them close to Him and open their eyes so they will know the truth about Jesus.
God will richly bless you for your prayers for others.