Thursday, June 19, 2008

God’s healing Touch

It’s 4:00 am.
About two hours ago Hatcher suddenly woke up with a stomach ache.
I immediately put my hand on his stomach and prayed for God to heal him.
One trip to the bathroom and two vomit false alarms and he was back in bed.
................Reid prays for a baby and mother our first day in Ghana.
I prayed in the Spirit the whole time. After getting back to bed, he fell into a deep sleep. I put my hand on him. He felt clammy and I prayed again asking God to make his temperature normal.

I couldn’t go back to sleep and so I began praying. I prayed for Ghana and each person we have met here. I prayed for Rev. Wisdom and all the church leaders in this region, then for our church back home, our Pastor Joel Sellers, the Sunday school teachers, our deacons….the list continued and I prayed as God brought people to my mind.

As I prayed it occurred to me how healthy we have been on this trip. So far we have visited 8 countries and have had simply one fever and one vomiting session. We have had numerous times when one of us has begun to feel sick. Our family ritual has become to immediately lay hands on the one ill and pray. If I don’t think to do it, one of the boys will. More times than I can count the illness just fades.

Even prior to this mission trip, there have been numerous times when one of the boys would have a fever in the night and shortly after prayer, it leaves. I have learned that God still heals today. We are called to pray and trust God.

Suddenly Hatcher awoke again. He shared a dream he had and then said simply, “Mom, I feel better.” My reply is always the same… Thank you Jesus!

I heard another voice in the dark and it was Harrison. “Thank you God for water…” his voice faded and I knew he was dreaming. “Did you hear what he said Mom?” Hatcher asked. I had not and sat up to hear better. Harrison started again, “Thank you God for water and for healing up….”. I thought he was thanking God for making Hatcher better and then he finished, “…for healing up Aletha.”

Hatcher and I both responded, “Thank you Jesus” and giggled.

Aletha is my dear cousin who watched the boys for several weeks while we were last home. I don’t know that Aletha is sick, but I do believe that God has healed her up!

“Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength.” Psalm 8:2

Please pray for those you know who are ill and give praise to God for all those you know who have recovered from illness. Also, pray for God to open our eyes to His healing touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GB - It sounds to me like your boys are being prepared to become intercessory prayer warriors. Praise God...this so reminds me of the book that you gave me by Reese Howell. Be blessed we miss you all and are so blessed by you sharing every step of your trip with us. Stay encouraged, the spirit of The Lord is soooo strong on you...Love, Nat