Tuesday, April 29, 2008

London, England

The Heywoods
April 29- May 2, 2008
One of the greatest benefits so far on this trip, is fellowshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ. To be able to speak of the deep things of God with fellow believers is such a gift. We were especially blessed to stay with “The Brits”, Adrian and Helen Heywood and their daughter, Abbey. Friends of my dear aunt and uncle, they really treated us like royalty. We were blessed to be there. Please pray for God’s bountiful blessings to fall on them.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hatcher Geary Celebrates at NYSUM

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Hatcher...
Hatcher Geary is 12 today!
Do you rember your 12th birthday?
To most people their childhood birthdays are an indistinct memory.
Can you imagine Hatcher telling his children's children the marvelous tale of carrying the Gospel to the street people and new friends in NYC that he met on his birthday in 2008?
What a chapter in an amzing epic!
What an awesome GOD we serve!!!

NYSUM ~ The New York School of Urban Ministry

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The New York School of Urban Ministry’s

NYSUM is more than just another “school”. We are a “training and resource center serving the urban church.” NYSUM’s purpose is to train laborers for the front lines – servant leaders who can face the urban challenge. Our school is unique in that groups from Seminaries, Bible Schools, and Colleges. Churches and Mission Organizations learn urban ministry at the grass roots with a cross-cultural “hands-on” focus. This is possible through NYSUM’S years of networking and partnering with pastors and churches throughout all five boroughs of New York City.

We'll be posting our experience here soon, but in the meantime check out their site!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Brooklyn Tabernacle ~ Mr McArtle

Brooklyn Tabernacle
Brooklyn, New York USA
Street Prayer Ministry

This young man accidently stopped when Reid and I were handing out tracts. He wasn’t really sure what we were doing, but I asked if he would like us to pray over him. I could sense he was at a tough place in his life and he haphazardly agreed. We asked what he wanted Jesus to do for him and he gave us a laundry list….a job, a home, health, etc. Reid and I laid hands on him and prayed.
There are times when I pray and I know God is doing something…I feel a connection. This was one of those times. When we finished praying he looked at me and said “I feel better” then turned to walk away. Reid tugged on my sleeve and said “Mom, I think God just told me to give this money to him.” I said, “Then we best give it to him.” We chased McArtle down and caught him on the edge of the street. Reid gave him the money and I could tell it touched his heart. He looked at me again and said, “I really feel better.” It was like the Spirit came over me, I began to tell him how much God loved him and wanted him. That God has a plan for him and is waiting for McArtle to turn and give his life to Jesus so God can use him. The words flowed out of me and I knew they were swords piercing the depth of his soul. He looked intently at me and listened. I kept talking and he stood very still and took in every word. Then it stopped. All the words ceased flowing. I gave him a hug and smiled. His simple words of, “Thank you” were from a deep place. He smiled and walked away.
I have prayed mightily for McArtle and my Muslim friend and also for Judith and Jeanette and the many women who asked for prayer for their families.
I met a Russian man who spoke very little English, I prayed for him and then realized I had a copy of the Jesus film in my backpack; it was in 8 languages, one of which was Russian. He happily took it. Thank you First Baptist Church of Gaffney for funding our witnessing materials. God is working through the materials.
At one point I turned to see Harrison reading a tract to an elderly woman not much taller than he. She leaned on her walker, smiled and listened intently as he shared the word by reading. I thanked God for Mrs. Blanton at the Village School who had taught him to read.
All three boys were incredibly bold in handing out tracts and being a witness. I am a blessed mama.

Brooklyn Tabernacle Street Prayer Ministry

Brooklyn Tabernacle
Brooklyn, New York USA
Street Prayer Ministry
Brooklyn Tabernacle is a church based on prayer. Their Tuesday night prayer sessions are famous and we were honored to be a part of it. About 4000 people come to pray and worship the Lord each week. The doors open at 5 pm and people show up early to assure they will get a seat. The service starts at 7pm.
The boys and I joined James Sloven and a small team for street prayer ministry outside the church from noon to 3 pm. Regularly the church sets up a booth, members put on red aprons that say “Prayer Changes Things” and with tracts of almost every language you can name they stand and wait for the people to stop. And the people stop.
What a thrill it was to pray for a young Muslim woman. She was hesitant at first and Hatcher said “Isu (?) (the Muslim name for Jesus) loves you” He had just been taught this by one of the other team members. She warmed up a little. She asked how much it cost and I assured her I would be blessed to pray for her for free. She asked that I pray for her husband, that something was wrong with his head. My heart was full and hopeful that God would perform a miracle for this woman and her family. I prayed and prayed some more….boldly. I finished and we offered her a multi-lingual DVD about Jesus. I gave her a glow in the dark bracelet. She asked if I would pray for her daughter…”she bites her teeth at night”. My heart was joyous. I prayed again. I hugged her and told her that if she had any questions she could come back to the church and they would help her. Please pray for this precious woman, that God would perform a miracle in the life of her family and make Himself known to her.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Eight Hundred Ninety Eight to two!

898 to two
Thursday April 3rd, 2008

We’ve been on the road for almost a month now. Traveling through South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennesse, Virginia and Washington, DC.
And to date we have been turned down only twice!
This statistic goes against everything I thought would happen in the U.S. First you must know that on average I would guess we speak to and witness to about 30 people a day. This ranges from the mom at the coffee shop who Reid struck up a conversation with or the homeless man Hatcher witnessed to in DC to a pre-school group of 65 kids and around 20 teachers that we shared the Gospel to.
We often offer a wordless, glow-in-dark bracelet and share the meaning of the colors. Or maybe we offer a Jesus film or prayer.
How many would you guess say no? How many say no to you?
In all this time, we have had only two say no. If indeed we have spoken to an average of 30 people for 30 days or 900 people, this means that less than .3 percent are not responding. That is not 3% but 0.3 % or 3/10s of 1 percent!
Please hear this message!! Americans are hungry for God!!
Yes, Americans.
When we offer to pray, almost always the response in not simply yes, but “Oh, please, please pray for me!” Harrison has gotten very good at asking, “What do you want us to pray for?” We pray and almost always they cry. I know they are crying tears of healing and trust that God is opening their hearts to Him.
Please pray for the grandmother and her grandson in Navarre, Florida who would not hear or receive and for Wayne in DC who said, “I do not believe.” Please pray for Rishad, a Russian living temporarily in the U.S. and does not know Jesus. He allowed us to share the Gospel with him and pray for him….I pray God will open his heart.
How often do you attempt to share Jesus?
If you are like me, you may not share because you think they will not receive. Don’t be deceived…you have the most valuable message they will ever hear and they are hungry. Ask God to let you be a vessel for Him to speak, then open your mouth and let God work through you. What a blessing to see a seed planted in a heart…a seed that God will water and grow…a seed which God will use to produce a harvest. How can you say no?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Praying for Mom and Dad at Calvary United Methodist Church Pre-school

Calvary United Methodist Church Pre-school http://calmeth.org/cms/
Arlington, Virginia USA

Sixty five precious big eyed pre-schoolers watched the boys make animal balloons. They eagerly guessed at where we might be visiting often answering with cities or states instead of the requested countries. They then sat remarkable still and quiet while Harrison shared the Gospel using the wordless glow-in-the-dark bracelet and actively participated in praising the Lord in song.
Mrs. Beth Posey, the gifted school director then led them in prayer time.
Those wanting to pray lined up the full length of the group. One by one they shared their prayer request with Mrs. Beth who repeated the request out loud for all to hear. There was the request for the dog and a sick grandma, and for one child’s toys. But overwhelmingly these children had the same prayer burden…mom and dad.
As I sat and lifted up the prayers of each child, I was so deeply touched that these 3, 4 and 5 year olds were praying each week for their parents. I couldn’t help but be convicted….in my work day do I lift up my children to God? I wondered how many parents of these children were actually praying for their children during their workday? Were any praying at all during the day?
Unless you become like a child….