Saturday, March 29, 2008

Harvest Time Coffee Shop in Wise, Virginia

The Gathering
Ignite Ministries

We arrived early to get the coffee shop ready for the college students from University of Virginia, Wise. The boys and I had “prayer drove” the campus earlier in the day. The campus is tucked away in the mountains and I was impressed with the atmosphere that surrounded it. Two couples and other volunteers go each week to open this Friday night coffee shop. Everything is free and the students pile in. It was standing room only.

Pray for:
Betty, who owns the coffee shop and donates the location and many supplies for this ministry
Student leaders
That God would provide more workers
A spirit of prayer to fall upon the students at the coffee shop and on the UVA-Wise Campus
Praise for the continued financial provision by Zion Church and families who bake goods for the coffee shop

2 – 12 inch speakers
Small sound system (portable) to use in the coffee house and other locations

When I first communicated with Roger and Michele Wright, I immediately felt a call to visit. I didn’t know where in the world Wise, Virginia was but knew we would be here. It is in the southwestern part of Virginia very close to West Virginia and Tennessee. It is a small town tucked in the mountains and has a feel of home to me.
Roger and Michele have two boys, Brendon(10) and Noah(8). They met at Virginia Tech., married, spent a year in Germany on mission and were called home to Wise to work in the family business.
Although the Wrights only knew us as a referral from Terry and Tara Black, they welcomed us with open arms and we all felt like they were family before we left.
The family is very involved in several ministries in Wise and has a heart and a hunger to serve God. Please pray for God to continue to use and grow them.
We were blessed to work alongside them and learn.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Witnessing with colored bracelets

The bracelets are such a blessing. The kids love them and they work with young and old alike. Even the parents want one!
May I share with you what we say?

*Gold: Reminds me of Heaventhe Bible says the streets of Heaven are paved with gold…God lives in Heaven and wants all of us there with Him..... I plan on skipping down those streets of gold…you want to skip with me, don't you?

*Black: Reminds me of sin…in Romans the Bible tells us we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God….when we sin we can’t be near to God!

*Red: Reminds me of the blood of Jesus….see God loves us soooooooo much that He sent His only son, Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sin so we can be forgiven.

*White: reminds me that when I ask Jesus to forgive me of my sin and ask Him to come live in my heart, then Jesus washes us white as snow

*Blue: reminds me of the Holy Spirit….when we accept Jesus as the son of God and ask Him into our heart, then the Holy Spirit comes to live in us….the Bible tells us His sheep know His voice…and the Holy Spirit will tell us the direction God wants for us

*Green: reminds me of growing
….like green grass…..that when we read our Bible, go to church, pray and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit….we grow in the Lord.

Also, the bracelet glows in the dark and that is to remind us that God is always with us and He is our light against any darkness…just lean on Him!

That is it in a nutshell…. There is more, of course. You can see why we like the colors….it really helps the kids when they tell us the Gospel back.

Keep tabs on our website:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lakeshore, Mississippi Easter 2008

Hurricane Katrina Victims Area
Photo: A group of youth from Braden, Mississippi greeted us when we arrived. The boys loved hanging out with the young folks. The steeple is the only thing that survived Katrina from the church.
It has been nearly 3 years since Katrina hit Lakeshore, Mississippi. I was there 10 weeks after Katrina hit and am amazed (in both good and bad ways) about the difference since that time.
Yes, much work has been completed, yet there is still an enormous amount more that needs to be done.
Photo: Gloria discovers a hidden message of encouragement beneath the housewrap on one of the replpacement homes.
The county still has nearly 4000 families living in temporary housing. Not only is the housing temporary but their personal belongings are minimal. Remember, when Katrina hit entire houses were wiped away. These families lost everything… clothing, furniture, appliances, books, jewelry, family photos….everything.
I was thrilled to see the development that has transpired, yet have been hit with the cold realization that even though 3 years have passed there is still a huge need for help from outside the area. Unfortunately, those of us not affected by Katrina are quick to think all is well since so much time has passed. Please remember this area and these people in your prayers.
Photo: Gloria prays encouragement for a wonderful elderly father who is so very grateful for the new home that Lakeshore Baptist is building for him. note: Not once did he complain about the 3 year wait or the sickness from the unsafe FEMA trailer that has housed his family for that time. He is just so grateful!
Lakeshore Baptist Church remains as one of the mainstays of help for families. Twice in our 3 short days here, locals have brought donated items to the distribution center with the comment, “They have helped my family so much, I wanted to give back in some way.”
How you can help:
Big Ways:
· F250 Truck (with or without gooseneck) or work van - current vehicles are old and needing much repairs
· Trailer to haul tractor (must currently drive the tractor anywhere needed)
· All terrain forklift (recently 30 stoves showed up with only minimal volunteers available to get them off the truck)
Mission Trip Opportunities (be blessed by being a blessing to others)
Skilled laborers (electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc) are desperately needed to rehab houses. Cooks, cleaners and workers in distribution center.

Housing is available and food will sometimes be supplied….make arrangements in advance with Jamie : 228-469-0110
Simply Ways
1. Write a check and send it to: Lakeshore Baptist Church PO Box 293 Lakeshore, MS 39558
You are welcome to designate for operating costs (to house and feed mission teams), food for distribution center (cuts living expenses for local families so they can save money to buy lumber for homes), materials for home rehabs, or church building.
2. Package up a box of good used items and ship down: especially needed right now are baby items or anything to help furnish a house.
Ship to: 6028 Lakeshore Rd. Bay St. Louis, MS 39520

Prayer needs:
· Pray for skilled workers….there is much work and many more workers are needed
· Pray for Pastor Don Elbourne and his team…that God will empower them with strong leadership skills to lead the workers and the people.
· Pray that God’s light will shine in this community and be a beacon to the many lost souls.
· Pray for healed hearts…the pain is deep from the extensive loss.
· Pray for sensitive hearts of those not in this area, so that help will continue to be available from communities like yours.
Photo: Gloria is delighted to see that Pastor Don is still wearing the work boots donanted through her home church, First Baptist in Gaffney, SC in 2005 when she first came to minister here. These boots have seen more than 130 workweeks!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Navarre High School, Navarre Florida, USA 3/21/2008

Navarre, Florida
March 21, 2008

Navarre High School

Hatcher, Jessica Price, Harrison, Lauren Price, Reid, Sharon Price, and The Price Family (my deceased husband’s sister and her family) moved to Navarre, Florida in December. They have begun a new ministry, Iron Gate Ministries and are seeking God’s will for His direction for their family. Their oldest child and only son, Stephen died of cancer this past August.
We prayer walked the local high school where Jessica is a senior. We prayed for God’s light to shine in and through this school and that He will call the local believers to come mentor the kids here. Please pray for this community, high school and family.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Day with the Griffith Kids in Florida

A day with the Griffith Kids
Navarre, Florida

The Price family, my family and the four Griffith kids had a delightful day of hunting Easter candy, playing at the park and just plain old goofing off.
How much fun to be a kid!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Drury Nursing Home in Englewood, Florida

Drury Nursing Home
As we walked the hallways, we stopped in to visit residents. We prayed over many, gave out tracts and candy. The candy had scripture on the wrapper and the boys read the scripture to the residents.

I am reminded of something Pastor Glen Evans once shared with me. The elderly (and often others as well) so need a human touch. They often are not hugged or touched by others on a regular basis. How easily we can minister to those alone by simply hugging them or touching their hand.

Before we went into the nursing home, I shared with the boys the importance of touching and hugging these dear people. I loved watching the faces of these men and women as my boys reached out to them. :-)

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him.
And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
"Who touched me?" Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you."
But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."
Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed.
Then he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."
Luke 8:43-48

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mrs. Ulrich’s Kindergarten Class at Williams Elementary School, Gainsville, Fl

Reid, Hatcher, Harrison (front), Tracy Ulrich (my brother, Ben’s daughter), Cruz Thomas and Matt Ulrich.
Cruz Thomas is our newest family member. A student at Limestone College in Gaffney, SC, Cruz is a strong believer. He lost both of his parents in the last couple of years and we collectively decided to “adopt” him. He joined us in Gainesville during his Spring break.

Tracy and Matt Ulrich were our hosts in Gainesville, FL.
Matt just began a new position as an associate Pastor with First Assembly of God. Tracy is a first year kindergarten teacher. Please pray for their ministry.

Williams Elementary School
Mrs. Ulrich’s Kindergarten Class
Gainesville, Florida

Only Twelve?!
Friday, March 14, 2008
We visited my niece, Tracy’s kindergarten class and told her kids about our trip. We gave out the Gospel bracelets that glow in the dark and shared the meaning of the colors. My boys loved being with the class and played with the kids.
Cruz Thomas (Limestone College Student on Spring Break who joined us and my new fourth son : ) and I were debriefing after we left. I couldn’t help but voice what was in my head, “all this way, all this preparation, all this money….we spoke to maybe twelve 6-year old kids.”
Cruz very wisely shook his head and replied, “Look what the twelve did who Jesus taught.”
‘… “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” Says the Lord of hosts…’ Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

Glen Springs Apartments, Gainesville, Fl

Glen Springs Apartments
Gainesville, FL.
Sharing the Gospel – Our First Run
This was our first venture in direct interaction with children without any introduction.
After some soccer time, we offered snacks and drinks. While the kids ate, Cruz Thomas (Limestone College student who joined us while on his Spring Break, red shirt) read from the Bible and shared about Jesus.
As he spoke, there were several teen age boys who sat on the sidelines and disrupted the talk. I walked over to them and gently laid my hand on the shoulder of one of the boys and just began to pray quietly.
When Cruz finished speaking, we shared the Gospel through the colors on the bracelets and offered the children a prize if they could share the Gospel back to us using the bracelets. The teenage boys were all for this and gathered around me to show they had listened. I went through the Gospel a second time with them and when I spoke about the blood of Jesus, I asked, “Would you guys like to ask Jesus into your hearts?”
To my absolute shock, all three of them eagerly nodded. To test their sincerity, I said, “you’ll need to get on your knees to pray”….all three without hesitation, dropped to their knees.
I prayed and they prayed after me. I couldn’t stop asking God to do things in their lives and put them to work….they repeated everything I asked. Then a fourth teenage boy ran up and said, “I want to ask Jesus into my heart too!” We started praying all over again.
Theo, Torres, DJ, and Kendal….please pray for these new believers and that God will work a mighty work in their lives.
“And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:40 NKJV

A Mom and her sons
Takishanda desperately wanted her boys Tyler and Noah to learn the meaning of the colors. She had asked how the boys could get a soccer ball and I told her if the boys could share the Gospel with it and would promise to tell others the meaning of the colors, I would give them one. She sat on the sidelines coaching them. We prayed over kids individually. I especially loved praying for this mom and her boys.

We gave out lots of the Children’s version of the Jesus film for them to take home and watch.
The day was fun, exciting, and a learning event for us. My boys just fit right in playing with the kids and really enjoyed themselves.

Persecution Party
Our day ended on a rather sour note when a big kid tackled Reid pretty brutally for no apparent reason. Reid, to his credit walked away and seemed to understand that this incident was not so much about him as it was probably about the child’s home life.
We decided it was close enough to being persecution and immediately called for a Persecution Party (a family secret we have learned when things sometimes seem tough even though we are trying to follow God). Chocolate ice-cream and cookies for all!
“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven…” Matthew 5:11 & 12 NKJV

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Training And Ministry In Christian Spiritual Warfare

Good Shepherd For Training And Ministry In Christian Spiritual WarfareNeeds: Those willing to be trained in Spiritual warfare (the need is great and many must travel very long distances to receive prayer from Good Shepherd). Prayer partners to cover the team when they are working with an individual
Technical help (they would love a more updated website, note Brian has videos from Dateline, CBS and a host of other TV. appearances that would be helpful to have on his site) Those willing to help schedule training at churches for groups or make a financial donation.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Battle of Cowpens, then and now...

Cowpens, South Carolina has great significance as a battlefield, historically since the Revolutionary War AND contemporarily in the Spiritual War!
Who would have guessed that each Monday morning mighty prayer warriors make great strides in the greatest battle ever fought, just by using voice, pick, and finger to raise up the King and vanquish the Enemy in a
Hardee's restaurant in lil' ol' Cowpens!

The Battle of Cowpens
By: Scott Withrow, Park Ranger
The Battle of Cowpens1, January 17, 1781, took place in the latter part of the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution and of the Revolution itself. It became known as the turning point of the war in the South, part of a chain of events leading to Patriot victory at Yorktown2 The Cowpens victory was one over a crack British regular army3 and brought together strong armies and leaders who made their mark on history.
From the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge4 on, the British had made early and mostly futile efforts in the South, including a failed naval expedition to take Charleston in 1776. Such victories boosted Patriot morale and blunted British efforts, but, by 1779-80, with stalemate in the North, British strategists again looked south. They came south for a number of reasons, primarily to assist Southern Loyalists5 and help them regain control of colonial governments, and then push north, to crush the rebellion6. They estimated that many of the population would rally to the Crown.
In 1779-80, British redcoats indeed came South en masse, capturing first, Savannah7 and then Charleston8 and Camden 8A in South Carolina, in the process, defeating and capturing much of the Southern Continental Army9. Such victories gave the British confidence they would soon control the entire South, that Loyalists would flock to their cause. Conquering these population centers, however, gave the British a false sense of victory they didn’t count on so much opposition in the backcountry10. Conflict in the backcountry, to their rear, turned out to be their Achilles’ heel.
The Southern Campaign, especially in the backcountry, was essentially a civil war as the colonial population split between Patriot and Loyalist. Conflict came, often pitting neighbor against neighbor and re-igniting old feuds and animosities. Those of both sides organized militia, often engaging each other. The countryside was devastated, and raids and reprisals were the order of the day.
Into this conflict, General George Washington sent the very capable Nathanael Greene to take command of the Southern army. Against military custom, Greene, just two weeks into his command, split his army, sending General Daniel Morgan southwest of the Catawba River to cut supply lines and hamper British operations in the backcountry, and, in doing so "spirit up the people". General Cornwallis, British commander in the South, countered Greene’s move by sending Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton to block Morgan’s actions. Tarleton was only twenty-six, but he was an able commander, both feared and hated – hated especially for his victory at the Waxhaws.11 There, Tarleton was said to have continued the fight against remnants of the Continental Army trying to surrender. His refusal, tradition says, of offering no quarter, led to the derisive term "Tarleton’s Quarter".
These events set the stage for the Battle of Cowpens. On January 12, 1781, Tarleton's scouts located Morgan’s army at Grindal’s Shoals on the Pacolet River12 in South Carolina’s backcountry and thus began an aggressive pursuit. Tarleton, fretting about heavy rains and flooded rivers, gained ground as his army proceeded toward the flood-swollen Pacolet. As Tarleton grew closer, Morgan retreated north to Burr’s Mill on Thicketty Creek.13 On January 16, with Tarleton reported to have crossed the Pacolet and much closer than expected, Morgan and his army made a hasty retreat, so quickly as to leave their breakfast behind. Soon, he intersected with and traveled west on the Green River Road. Here, with the flood-swollen Broad River14 six miles to his back, Morgan decided to make a stand at the Cowpens, a well-known crossroads and frontier pasturing ground.
The term "cowpens"15, endemic to such South Carolina pastureland and associated early cattle industry, would be etched in history. The field itself was some 500 yards long and just as wide, a park-like setting dotted with trees, but devoid of undergrowth, having been kept clear by cattle grazing in the spring on native grasses and peavine16.
There was forage17 at the Cowpens for horses, and evidence of free-ranging cattle for food. Morgan, too, since he had learned of Tarleton’s pursuit, had spread the word for militia18 units to rendezvous at the Cowpens. Many knew the geography some were Overmountain men who had camped at the Cowpens on their journey to the Battle of Kings Mountain.19 Camp was made in a swale between two small hills, and through the night Andrew Pickens’ militia drifted into camp. Morgan moved among the campfires and offered encouragement; his speeches to militia and Continentals alike were command performances. He spoke emotionally of past battles, talked of the battle plan, and lashed out against the British. His words were especially effective with the militia the "Old Waggoner"20 of French and Indian War days and the hero of Saratoga21, spoke their language. He knew how to motivate them even proposing a competition of bravery between Georgia and Carolina units. By the time he was through, one soldier observed that the army was "in good spirits and very willing to fight". But, as one observed, Morgan hardly slept a wink that night.
Dawn at the Cowpens on January 17, 1781, was clear and bitterly cold. Morgan, his scouts bearing news of Tarleton’s approach, moved among his men, shouting, "Boys, get up! Benny’s22 coming! Tarleton, playing catch up, and having marched his army since two in the morning, ordered formation on the Green River Road for the attack. His aggressive style was made even now more urgent, since there were rumors of Overmountain men on the way, reminiscent of events at Kings Mountain. Yet he was confident of victory: he reasoned he had Morgan hemmed in by the Broad, and the undulating park-like terrain was ideal for his dragoons23. He thought Morgan must be desperate, indeed, to have stopped at such a place. Perhaps Morgan saw it differently: in some past battles, Patriot militia had fled in face of fearsome bayonet charges – but now the Broad at Morgan’s back could prevent such a retreat. In reality, though, Morgan had no choice – to cross the flood-swollen Broad risked having his army cut down by the feared and fast-traveling Tarleton.
Tarleton pressed the attack head on, his line extending across the meadow, his artillery in the middle, and fifty Dragoons on each side. It was as if Morgan knew he would make a frontal assault – it was his style of fighting. To face Tarleton, he organized his troops into three lines. First, out front and hiding behind trees were selected sharpshooters. At the onset of battle they picked off numbers of Tarleton’s Dragoons, traditionally listed as fifteen24, shooting especially at officers, and warding off an attempt to gain initial supremacy. With the Dragoons in retreat, and their initial part completed, the sharpshooters retreated 150 yards or more back to join the second line, the militia commanded by Andrew Pickens. Morgan used the militia well, asking them to get off two volleys and promised their retreat to the third line made up of John Eager Howard's25 Continentals, again close to 150 yards back. Some of the militia indeed got off two volleys as the British neared, but, as they retreated and reached supposed safety behind the Continental line, Tarleton sent his feared Dragoons after them. As the militia dodged behind trees and parried saber slashes with their rifles, William Washington’s26 Patriot cavalry thundered onto the field of battle, seemingly, out of nowhere. The surprised British Dragoons, already scattered and sensing a rout, were overwhelmed, and according to historian Babits, lost eighteen men in the clash. As they fled the field, infantry on both sides fired volley after volley. The British advanced in a trot, with beating drums, the shrill sounds of fifes, and shouts of halloo. Morgan, in response, cheering his men on, said to give them the Indian halloo back. Riding to the front, he rallied the militia, crying out, "form, form, my brave fellows! Old Morgan was never beaten!"
Now Tarleton’s 71st Highlanders27, held in reserve, entered the charge toward the Continental line, the wild wail of bagpipes adding to the noise and confusion. A John Eager Howard order for the right flank to face slightly right to counter a charge from that direction, was, in the noise of battle, misunderstood as a call to retreat. As other companies along the line followed suite, Morgan rode up to ask Howard if he were beaten. As Howard pointed to the unbroken ranks and the orderly retreat and assured him they were not, Morgan spurred his horse on and ordered the retreating units to face about, and then, on order, fire in unison. The firing took a heavy toll on the British, who, by that time had sensed victory and had broken ranks in a wild charge. This event and a fierce Patriot bayonet charge in return broke the British charge and turned the tide of battle. The re-formed militia and cavalry re-entered the battle, leading to double envelopment28 of the British, perfectly timed. British infantry began surrendering en masse.
Tarleton and some of his army fought valiantly on; others refused his orders and fled the field. Finally, Tarleton, himself, saw the futility of continued battle, and with a handful of his men, fled from whence he came, down the Green River Road. In one of the most dramatic moments of the battle, William Washington, racing ahead of his cavalry, dueled hand-to-hand with Tarleton and two of his officers. Washington’s life was saved only when his young bugler29 fired his pistol at an Englishman with raised saber. Tarleton and his remaining forces galloped away to Cornwallis’ camp. Stragglers from the battle were overtaken, but Tarleton escaped to tell the awful news to Cornwallis.
The battle was over in an hour. It was a complete victory for the Patriot force. British losses were staggering: 110 dead, over 200 wounded and 500 captured. Morgan lost only 12 killed and 60 wounded, a count he received from those reporting directly to him.
Knowing Cornwallis would come after him, Morgan saw to it that the dead were buried – the legend says in wolf pits -- and headed north with his army. Crossing the Broad at Island Ford 30, he proceeded to Gilbert Town31, and, yet burdened as he was by the prisoners, pressed swiftly northeastward toward the Catawba River, and some amount of safety. The prisoners were taken via Salisbury32 on to Winchester, Virginia. Soon Morgan and Greene reunited and conferred, Morgan wanting to seek protection in the mountains and Greene wanting to march north to Virginia for supplies. Greene won the point, gently reminding Morgan that he was in command. Soon after Morgan retired from his duty because of ill health— rheumatism, and recurring bouts of malarial fever.
Now it was Greene and his army on the move north. Cornwallis, distressed by the news from Cowpens, and wondering aloud how such an interior force could defeat Tarleton's crack troops, indeed came after him. Now it was a race for the Dan River33 on the Virginia line, Cornwallis having burned his baggage34 and swiftly pursuing Greene. Cornwallis was subsequently delayed by Patriot units stationed at Catawba River35 crossings. Greene won the race, and, in doing so, believed he had Cornwallis where he wanted -- far from urban supply centers and short of food. Returning to Guilford Courthouse36, he fought Cornwallis' army employing with some success, Morgan's tactics at Cowpens. At battle's end, the British were technically the winners as Greene's forces retreated. If it could be called a victory, it was a costly one: Five hundred British lay dead or wounded. When the news of the battle reached London, a member of the House of Commons said, "Another such victory would ruin the British army". Perhaps the army was already ruined, and Greene's strategy of attrition was working.
Soon, Greene's strategy was evident: Cornwallis and his weary army gave up on the Carolinas and moved on to Virginia. On October 18, 1781, the British army surrendered at Yorktown. Cowpens, in its part in the Revolution, was a surprising victory and a turning point that changed the psychology of the entire war. Now, there was revenge – the Patriot rallying cry Tarleton’s Quarter37. Morgan's unorthodox but tactical masterpiece had indeed "spirited up the people", not just those of the backcountry Carolinas, but those in all the colonies. In the process, he gave Tarleton and the British a "devil of a whipping".

Feeding the Armies
In the Revolution, Patriot and British armies often marched and fought on empty stomachs as plans for obtaining food went awry. This was particularly true in the backcountry where food was scarce. Examples of foraging for food and food-related problems abound. Earlier in the war, General Gates and his Southern Continentals, on the march to Camden, subsisted on apples, peaches, and half-ripened corn. James Collins, writing about backcountry campaigns in his Autobiography of a Revolutionary Soldier, told of eating turnips and parched corn. In one poignant example, Battle of Cowpen's participant John Martin, recuperating from wounds in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and beyond assistance of the army, reported the death of his horse because he lacked money to purchase forage. In another instance, Cornwallis, because his army was so dead tired and hungry, chose not to pursue General Greene in the aftermath of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Up in Virginia, Samuel McCune was employed to drive cattle from Augusta County to Yorktown. Throughout the southern theater of war, scouting parties on both sides would scour the country in every direction in search of food.
At Cowpens, Daniel Morgan worried about obtaining food for his men - the area around the Pacolet River had been plundered and fought over so much, there was little to requisition. In addition, he had horses to feed. Each militiaman had brought a horse, in addition to those of the cavalry, making the total over 450. Perhaps that was part of Morgan's plan to stop at Cowpens - there should be some grass for the horses, even in winter, and, possibly free-ranging calves could be found and killed for beef. Beef was indeed available: James Turner, a Spartanburg District resident and participant in the battle, butchered beef to feed Morgan's army before and after the battle. It was reported that militia groups constantly left camp to hunt for forage. Such were the realities of feeding the armies.
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Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Go Forth Into The World..."

Where does one learn about Jesus in the 1st place?
How does one learn to develop an unshakable faith?
As you watch this video you may appreciate the love and nuturing that the Hatcher Family models. This original worship song is among rich family tradition!

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Modes of Transportation on a Mission Trip

Watch and listen as Hatcher, Reid, Harrison and some beloved family members describe a few ways to "carry" the message!

Who knew thatHarrison could fly?

Click the > above to see the movie!
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